Here is the link to an article in the Mail&Guardian.
Here to the same article in University World News.
And here is the link to the recording of the presentation at HELM Engage (USAf).
Personal Blog and Website with Links to Open Access Publications on Higher Education in Africa - Student Experience - Student Politics - Student Affairs - Institutional Research - Higher Education Policy and Politics Research
Here is the link to an article in the Mail&Guardian.
Here to the same article in University World News.
And here is the link to the recording of the presentation at HELM Engage (USAf).
The full report is available here.
A short article on the report is published in University World News on 23 June 2023.
On Easter Sunday afternoon, Prof. Moja invited Dineo and I to a Sunday Easter lunch at the house of Dr Lenora Magubane in Harlem (one of the South African makoti in New York, wife of famous SA photographer Peter Magubane) alongside several SA expatriates and friends of the host.
On Monday, 10 April, Dineo and I set up the exhibition "Aftermath: Violence and Wellbeing in the Context of the Student Movement" at Steinhardt College, NYU, in Washington Square. Before that on Monday morning (5.30 am EST, 11.30 am SAST), Prof Moja, Dr Keamo Morwe and I also participated in a interview (via Zoom) on SAfm Radio for #SAfmTalkingPoint.
Mr Sherwin Brice-Pease, UN correspondent journalist of SABC News and his film crew Aaron came to cover the exhibition opening and book launch of #FeesMustFall and its Aftermath (published by the HSRC Press).
Brice-Pease interviewed Prof Moja and I and produced a fantastic segment that was aired on SABC News throughout Tuesday 10 April. What a professionalism at work! The clip can be found here. Dr Keamo Morwe of Univen (my co-PI) again joined the launch online via Zoom.
On Tuesday the exhibition continued from 10am to 4pm at NYU. In the afternoon (4pm EST, 10pm SAST), Dr Morwe and I participated in a live SABC News TV interview (Peter Ndoro’s segment - part of the Full View). In between I went to the Mellon Foundation offices and brought them three of the rich publications that have come from the Student Movement Project so far: the books Reflections of South African Student Leaders, 1994-2017 (Council on Higher Education & African Minds, 2020), Restoring Wellbeing after Protests: Lessons from #FeesMustFall (HSRC, 2022), and the book we launched in NY, #FeesMustFall and its Aftermath: Violence, Wellbeing and the Student Movement in South Africa (HSRC Press, 2022).
On Wednesday, the exhibition continued from 10 am to 4pm at NYU. In the later From 5 pm – 6.30 pm I gave a seminar in the Prof Teboho Moja’s Student Affairs Master’s class at NYU entitled “International Comparative Student Affairs”. We removed the exhibition and stored for travelling back to SA.
It was a beautiful farewell dinner with Prof Moja on Wednesday after the seminar. We discussed the future collaborative work related to the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa and the establishment and operation of a Community of Practice (COP) for research on student affairs in Africa.
I did feel that the more practice rather than research oriented audience in the session would have preferred a different empirical approach with more textured case studies etc. while my presentation was based on a content and discourse analysis of the professionalisation discourse in 10 years of publications in the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa.
I also attended a knowledge community luncheon of the 'masculinities KC', which talked a lot about organisational matters and less about the way SAS practitioners actually work with masculinities (affirming, shaping, etc.) on university campuses. It also seemed to me a very LGBTIQ+ focused discourse - which is a discourse that has moved from the margins more towards a normalised centre - but at the same time very little talk has been on the 'toxic masculinities' that one so often encounters on university campuses, on GBV, heteronormativity, and also affirming positive 'straight' masculinity (alongside various kinds of queer masculinities). Altogether a very interesting set of conversations at the KC, a plenary session and a panel I attended on these topics.Something that Dineo found peculiar about the American way of talking and making a point is what she called 'oversharing', that is pre-cursoring everything with a self-positioning (in terms of one's personal background, upbringing, family life, personal and familial tragedies, career and career struggles, sufferings etc.). It appears in order to be able to make a 'legitmate' point one had to establish - by rule - one's point of departure as one of pain and suffering so as to appear authentic and elicit an emphatic audience. Oversharing to fake authenticity and establish legitimacy?
At Boston College in Newton I had the wonderful opportunity to meet up with the colleagues at the Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE), especially, Dr Rebecca Schendel, Dr Chris Glass, Prof Gerardo Blanco and, of course, Prof Phil Altbach.
I had long conversations with Rebecca and Gerardo in the morning; Rebecca and Phil over lunch, and eventually, after my seminar presentation, I interviewed prof Phil Altbach.
My presentation was on "International Comparative Student Affairs" and what we can learn about this as a 'field of study' from the research that Lis, Brett and I presented just days earlier at NASPA. I also included in that analysis my work on student activism with Phil and Didem Turkoglu, which was published in International Higher Education in February 2020 and June 2022 respectively.
Part of the 'Boston Tour' were two more meetings with wonderful higher education experts. I spent an afternoon with Dr Manja Klemencic from Harvard talking research, life, family, publishing, projects, funding, etc. etc. as she and her daughter took me and Dineo around Harvard Yard, Harvard Square, and Kennedy Park, and eventually the tall (and ugly) Humanities building. Manja just finished editing a new Handbook on Student Representation and I proudly contributed an Africa introduction chapter for it.The second expert and fried that I met in Boston is the wonderful Monroe France who just relocated from NYU to Tufts to take up a new role in Boston. Discussions resolved around the shocking anti-Social Justice and anti-Critical Race Theory legal debates in many US states, as well as the ongoing case against the use of race as criterion in affirmative action (university admission criteria) and related worrisome topics (e.g. legislation against gender reaffirmations / transitioning). I don't think I would have known so deeply and intimately the depth of these ongoing conversations in the US, how polarising and threatening of freedoms and social justice gains they are, and how conservative and highly problematic some of the debates and demands have become.
So much for the Boston Tour - 31 March to 9 April 2023.
What a fantastic team.
Dr Birgit Schreiber (Germany) in absentia
Prof Thierry Luescher (South Africa)
Dr Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo (United Arab Emirates)
Dr Brett Perozzi (United States)
This photo was taken the day after the actual award was presented, while Lisa, Brett and I, and Dineo, were having supper at the Sports Club at Omni in Boston, just next to the Convention Centre where the NASPA conference was held. We received this award for our work on global Student Affairs and Covid-19, as well as the follow-up work on the UN SDGs and SAS.
Poetry has the power to transform. By creating poems from qualitative 'data', it is possible to communicate knowledge in a new way, reaching new audiences, and generating impact in different ways.
In the last three days, it has been an absolute privilege to be in the company of accomplished poets, students, emerging and established researchers, and learn for the first time about poetic inquiry. This research method conceptualises ways of transforming qualitative 'data' into poems. One such way is called 'poetic transcription'; a related output are so-called found poems.
The above is a snip from the visual representation of our workshop proceedings (day 1). Among the participants and attendees of the "Harvesting Poetry" workshops were:Heidi van Rooyen, Raphael d’Abdon, Duduzile Ndlovu, Yvonne Sliep, Angela Hough, Kirsten Deane and Marilyn Couch. The participants included the amazing Nova (Lebohang Masango), Bernadette Muthien, Adam Cooper, and many others.
Poetry (as well as theatre, puppetry, visual essays from photovoice, etc.) are all methods that have a serious decolonising potential. After the suppression of oral cultures, oral histories and oral knowledges, including indigenous knowledges, these innovative methods of conducting social research have such as huge potential to transform.
The important matter is to keep our hearts and minds open to learning, innovation, and seeking better and stronger connections not only with grassroots as 'data source' but also as the one's for who our research ultimately is (beyond funders and commissioners) if it is to have any real impact.Policy Futures International Webinar Series: #FeesMustFall and related changes in student politics in twenty-first century Africa
Thursday 16 March 2023, at 14:00 - 15:30Online event: Register
Keynote: Thierry M. Luescher
Discussants: Rachel Brooks and Judith Bessant
In the course of the last twenty years, student politics in Africa has been impacted by a number of important changes, including the macro changes in the political and socio-economic environments of African nations; changes in the size, nature, and institutional composition of higher education provision along with the expansion, transformation, and fragmentation of student bodies; the changing political character of student governments and changing role of student representation in university governance; technological changes and new repertoires of student political agency; and a new student political discourse on higher education. These changes are interrelated, pronounced differently across the continent and institutions but overall reflective of the large-scale political, socio-economic, and educational transformations that African societies have undergone in the twenty-first century. Against a high-level overview of these changes, this keynote will focus on three developments that are particularly evident in the 2015/16 student movement in South Africa: (1) the entanglement of student politics with multipartyism and its impact on student representation and activism; (2) the emergence of networked student movements (RhodesMustFall, #FeesMustFall, #EndOutsourcing) and new protest repertoires; and (3) the elaboration of Fallism and its contribution to student political discourse on African higher education (intersectionality and decolonisation).
The webinar will be introduced by Associate Professor and research director, Katja Brøgger, and chaired by Associate Professor, Gritt B Nielsen.
NASPA, the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Association (originating in the USA) has just announced that our four-powered research consortium is winning the NASPA international research award 2023 for our work on SAS and SDGs. Here is the email:
"It is with great pleasure, I'd like to inform you that you and your colleagues have been selected as the recipient of the following award: Best Practices in International Research and Scholarship: The Global Role of Student Affairs and Services and the UN Sustainable Development Goals by Brett Perozzi, Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo, Birgit Schreiber, and Thierry Luescher.
We'd like to honor your dedication and contribution to the fields of international education and student affairs during the International Symposium, 2023. More details to follow regarding attending the award ceremony. Congratulations again! Looking forward to seeing you soon.
With gratitude and appreciation, Ken Guan and Tadd Kruse, NASPA IEKC Co-Chairs.
JSAA Vol. 10 Issue 2 is the first formal collaboration of the journal with SAASSAP; it is a guest-edited issue conceived and implemented under the leadership of Dr Matete Madiba, SAASSAP research and development officer and Director: Student Affairs of the University of Pretoria in South Africa and Dr Birgit Schreiber of the JSAA Editorial Executive.
This is an issue rich with papers reflecting the diversity of voices and issues in student affairs in South, Southern and continental Africa. It shows how African student affairs is still grappling with, reflecting on, researching, and writing about the #FeesMustFall student activism of 2015/16, the impact the 2020/21 COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, and other conditions that affect SAS practice, with a few towards theorising student affairs.
Most of all, this issue is a reflection of JSAA’s commitment to promoting collaborative research in student affairs. This issue in particular has a noticeable number of articles that are co-authored and/or based on collaborative research and the resulting co-authorship is becoming, one hopes, the standard. This is a trend that was described already by Hunter and Leahey (2008), who found that collaborations in research were on the increase, and that co-author prestige was higher than that of sole-author, and only male sole-authorship remained, at least at that time, most common. In healthcare research, for example, collaborative interdisciplinary research also enjoys higher publication rates of high quality than single authorship (Bruzzese et al., 2020).
Furthermore, this guest-edited issue is also a great example of collaboration in a further way in that it is made up of two parts: One part are the articles edited by the guest editor, Dr Matete Madiba, and the second part are articles from the open submission pool of manuscripts that were edited by the JSAA Editorial Team.
The journal is available open access at and University of Pretoria journals. The full issue can be downloaded here.
The ongoing advocacy work related to the exhibition and the new book #FeesMustFall and its Aftermath published by the HSRC Press in 2022 is hopefully going to start having impact at the university campus and policy levels. The article is available at
The online exhibition can be viewed at South African History online.
The print book can be purchased at HSRC Press and internationally at Amazon and other distributors.
JSAA is an independent, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access academic journal that publishes scholarly research and reflective discussions about the theory and practice of Student Affairs in African higher education. JSAA is published twice a year by the JSAA Editorial Executive in collaboration with the University of Pretoria and African Minds publisher. The journal is full-text hosted on the website of the University of Pretoria at, as well as co-hosted by AJOL, DOAJ, and ERIC, and indexed in international indices including BASE, InfoBase Index, WorldCat Libraries, Sherpa/Romeo, and Google Scholar. The IBI Factor for JSAA is 2.2 (2019).
JSAA is accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as a subsidy-earning journal on the SA list of scholarly journals. Authors publish free of charge; there are no processing or page fees.
JSAA uses APA7 referencing style. Please consult the JSAA Authors Guidelines for information about formatting etc.
To submit your paper please register and submit at
Please direct any queries to:
Prof. Teboho Moja,
Prof. Thierry Luescher,
- Dr. Birgit Schreiber,