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the downloadable list of publications of Dr TM Luescher
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6675-0512 Various
publications here are also available from my site at academia.edu and researchgate; Follow me
on Academia.edu
Luescher, T.M. (in press). Why the violence? Translocal justifications of violence in the student movement. Globalisation, Societies and Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/14767724.2025.2468648
Luescher, T.M., Morwe, K.G. & Aputiik, G. (in press) Advancing critical university studies through innovative, emancipatory research methods: learning photovoice. In: Charging towards Critical Canons of Knowledge Production in the African University. (ACUS Africa Network book)
Luescher, T.M., Soudien, C., Wildschut, A. & Mathambo, V. (in press). Rupture and innovation in the African university: Thought leadership, debate and practice.
Bardill Moscaritolo, L., Luescher, T.M., Perozzi & B., Schreiber, B. (in press). Student Affairs Advancement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of College Student Development.
Nielsen, G.B. & Luescher, T.M. (accepted). Translocal articulations in student activism for social justice: Resonances across the world. In: K. Brøgger, J. Lee, S. Robertson, and H. Moscovitz (eds.), World Yearbook of Education 2026: The Changing Geopolitics of Higher Education and Research University futures reimagined. Routledge.
Nyamnjoh, A.-N., Luescher, T.M., Dlakavu, S., Platzky Miller, J. & Morwe, K.G. (Eds) (in drafting). #FeesMustFall 10 Years On: A critical examination of the history, significance, and legacy of the 2015-16 student movement in South Africa.
Perozzi, B., Luescher, T.M., Bardill Moscaritolo, L. & Schreiber, B. (in drafting). “AI Adoption among Student Affairs and Services Practitioners: A Global Overview.
Schreiber, B., Perozzi, B., Bardill Moscaritolo, L. & Luescher, T.M. (in review). “Welcome to university, how can I help you?” Exploring AI Adoption among Student Affairs and Services Practitioners in Indian Higher Education. Higher Education for the Future.
Luescher, T.M. (2024). Student politics in Africa in the Twenty-first Century. In: M. Klemenčič (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Student Politics and Representation in Higher Education, pp. 116-128. London: Bloomsbury. DOI: 10.5040/9781350376007.ch-7 Open Access.
Schreiber, B., Perozzi, B., Bardill Moscaritolo, L. & Luescher, T.M. (2024). Student Affairs and Services: The Global South Leading the Global North in the Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of International Students, 14(2), 91-104. Open Access.
Schreiber, B., Luescher, T. M., & Moja, T. (2024). Supportive contexts for student success. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 12(1), v–viii. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v12i1.5297.
Luescher, T. M., & Holtzhausen, S. M. (2023). Transdisciplinarity and ubuntu ethics as principles for responsive, engaged, and student-centred African universities. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 11(2), vii–xv. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v11i2.4910. Open access.
Wildschut, A. & Luescher, T.M. (2023). A critical analysis from the Global South on student affairs as a profession. New Directions for Student Services, Fall 2023: 103-114. DOI: 10.1002/ss.20485 Open access.
Luescher, T. M., Moja, T., & Schreiber, B. (2023). 10 Years of contributing to the professionalization
of student affairs in Africa. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 11(1), v–xi. DOI: 10.24085/
jsaa.v11i1.4689 Open access.
Luescher, T. M., Mason, H., Moja, T., Nyar-Ndlovu, A., Schreiber, B., & Wildschut, A. (2023). Developing professionalism from within and outside: Reflections of editors of the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa at 10 years. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 11(1), 1–18. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v11i1.4660 Open access.
Schreiber, B., Luescher, T.M., Perozzi, B. & Bardill Moscaritolo, L. (2023). Post-COVID-19: Renegotiating the Scope, Role, and Function of Support and Development for Students in Higher Education Across the Globe. In: R. Pinheiro, E. Balbachevsky, P. Pillay, & A. Yonezawa (Eds.), The Impact of Covid-19 on the Institutional Fabric of Higher Education: Old Patterns, New Dynamics, and Changing Rules? pages 389-408. Cham (Switzerland): Palgrave MacMillan.
Wildschut, A. & Luescher, T.M. (2023). Developing Student Affairs as a profession in Africa. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 11(1): 19-34. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v11i1.4586 Open access.
Wilson Fadiji, A., Luescher, T.M., & Morwe, K. (2023). The Dance of the Positives and Negatives of Life: Student Wellbeing in the Context of #FeesMustFall-related Violence. South African Journal of Higher Education, 37(2): 1-25. DOI 10.20853/37-2-5034 Open access.
Luescher, T.M. & Fongwa, S.N. (2022). Development policy and universities in Africa: Towards a coordinated policy architecture and engagement practice in South Africa. In: Fongwa, S.N., Luescher, T.M., Mtawa, N., and Mataga, J. (Eds), Universities, Society and Development: African Perspectives of University Community Engagement in Secondary Cities. Cape Town: SUN Press, pp. 215-234. Open access.
Luescher, T.M. & Türkoğlu, D. (2022). Student activism and the pandemic: a global round-up. International Higher Education, No. 11 (Summer): 11-13. DOI: 10.36197/IHE.2022.111.05. Available open access.
Luescher, T.M., Wilson Fadiji, A., Morwe, K., Erasmus, A., Letsoalo, T.S., & Mokhema, S. (2022). #FeesMustFall and its Aftermath: Violence, Wellbeing and the Student Movement in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Press. (e-book open access here and at HSRC Press)
Bardill Moscaritolo, L., Perozzi, B., Schreiber, B., & Luescher, T.M. (2022). The Impact of Covid-19 on International Student Support: A Global Perspective. Journal of International Students, 12(2), p. 324-344. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v12i2.3625. Get it here.
Chetty, K., & Luescher, T.M. (2020 [2022]). African Universities – Working towards an Inclusive Digital Future in a Post-COVID-19 World. Africa Insights, 50(2): 79-102. Open access.
Fongwa, S.N., Luescher, T.M., Mtawa, N., and Mataga, J. (Eds) (2022). Universities, Society and Development: African Perspectives of University Community Engagement in Secondary Cities. Cape Town: SUN Press. Open access.
Fongwa, S.N. & Luescher, T.M. (2022). Universities, society, and development in Africa: Setting the scene. In: Fongwa, S.N., Luescher, T.M., Mtawa, N., and Mataga, J. (Eds), Universities, Society and Development: African Perspectives of University Community Engagement in Secondary Cities. Cape Town: SUN Press, pp. 1-20. Open access.
Fongwa, S., Wildschut, A., Luescher, T.M. & Mthombeni, Z. (2022). Towards African Collaborative Doctoral Programmes. Synthesis Report prepared by Human Sciences Research Council. Accra (Ghana): African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA). Available here.
Morwe, K., Luescher, T.M., & Wilson Fadiji, A. (2022). Restoring wellbeing after student protests: Lessons from #FeesMustFall and its aftermath. A manual for Student Affairs and Services professionals and student leaders. Cape Town: HSRC. Available here.
Nyamnjoh, A.-N. & Luescher, T.M. (2022). Academic freedom, students and the decolonial turn in South Africa. In: Watermeyer, Richard, Raaper, Rille, and Olssen, Mark (eds), Handbook on Academic Freedom, pp. 269-287. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar. Available here.
Oosthuizen, A. (with Luescher, T) (2022). A photographic exhibition reveals the mental health impact of #FeesMustFall protests. HSRC Review, 20(4): 28-31.
Perozzi, B., Bardill Moscaritolo, L., Schreiber, B., & Luescher, T. M. (2022). Student affairs and services mediates the context for students’ living, learning, and development: Lessons from COVID-19. JANZSSA: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association, (30)1. doi: 10.30688/janzssa.2022-1-03. Get it here.
Schreiber, B., Bardill Moscaritolo, L., Perozzi, B., & Luescher, T.M. (2022). Student affairs and services commit to advancing SDGs. University World News. 17 September 2022.
2022 University World News Africa Series
Paterson, M. & Luescher, T.M. (2022). Re-imagining the African University: Article series. University World News Africa. Find links to the full article series here: https://hsrc.ac.za/our-research/learning-activity-4-reimagining-the-african-university/
Luescher T.M., Makhubu N., Oppelt T., Mokhema S., & Radasi M.Z. (2021) Tweeting #FeesMustFall: The Online Life and Offline Protests of a Networked Student Movement. In: Cini L., della Porta D., and Guzmán-Concha C. (eds) Student Movements in Late Neoliberalism: Dynamics of Contention and Their Consequences. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75754-0_5. Find the chapter here.
Luescher, T.M., Wilson Fadiji, A., Morwe, K. & Letsoalo, T.S. (2021). Rapid photovoice as a close-up, emancipatory methodology in student experience research: The case of the student movement violence and wellbeing study. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20:1-6. https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069211004124 Open access here and here.
Luescher, T.M., Schreiber, B., Moja, T., Mandew, M., Wahl, W.P. & Ayele, B. (2021). The Impact of Covid‑19 on Student Affairs and Higher Education in Africa. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 9(1), v‑xiii. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v9i1.1721. Access here.
Schreiber, B., Luescher, T.M., Perozzi, B., & Bardill Moscaritolo, L. (2021). Student Affairs and Services during COVID-19 in Africa: A systemic-contextual model to mitigating the pandemic’s impact across four critical domains. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 9(1): 1-21. : https://doi.org/10.24085/jsaa.v9i1.1425. Open access here and here.
Schreiber, B., Luescher, T.M., Perozzi, B., & Bardill Moscaritolo, L. (2021). Understanding context is key to advancing student success. University World News. 24 July 2021. Open access here.
Luescher, T.M., Webbstock, D. & Bhengu, N. (Ed.) (2020). Reflections of South African Student Leaders, 1994 to 2017. Cape Town: African Minds. Available open access here and here.
Luescher, T.M., Webbstock, D. & Bhengu, N. (2020). Has co-operative governance failed students? A perspective based on students' experiences. Kagisano, 12: Student Governance and Engagement for Academic Success, (pp. 15-45). Pretoria: Council on Higher Education.
Luescher, T.M. & Fadiji, A.W. (2020). South Africa. In: Ludeman, R.B., et.al (Eds.), Student affairs and services in higher education: Global foundations, issues, and best practices (3rd ed). International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) in cooperation with the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW): Berlin. Available open access here.
Luescher, T.M., Webbstock, D. & Bhengu, N. (Ed.) (2020). Reflections of South African Student Leaders, 1994 to 2017. Cape Town: African Minds. Available open access here and here.
Luescher, T.M., Webbstock, D. & Bhengu, N. (2020). Has co-operative governance failed students? A perspective based on students' experiences. Kagisano, 12: Student Governance and Engagement for Academic Success, (pp. 15-45). Pretoria: Council on Higher Education.
Luescher, T.M. (2020). Student governance. In: David, Miriam E. and Amey, Marilyn J. (Eds), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education, (Volume 4), (pp. 1433-35). Thousand Oaks (USA): Sage Publications. Access here.
Luescher, T.M. (2020). Student governance and activism. In: Ludeman, R.B., et.al (Eds.), Student affairs and services in higher education: Global foundations, issues, and best practices (3rd ed). International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) in cooperation with the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW): Berlin. Available open access here.
Luescher, T.M. & Schreiber, B. (2020). Student governance. In: Ludeman, R.B., et.al (Eds.), Student affairs and services in higher education: Global foundations, issues, and best practices (3rd ed). International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) in cooperation with the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW): Berlin. Available open access here.
Luescher, T.M. (2020). Implications of theoretical perspectives for student affairs. University World News. 5 September 2020. Available at UWN and here.
Altbach, P.G. & Luescher, T.M. (2020). Another Wave Of Student Revolts Around The World? Nexos. February 5, 2020. Access here .
Altbach, PG and Luescher, TM (2020). Another student revolution? International Higher Education (Portuguese / Brazilian edition). Spring 2020 (Number 101) . (open access here and here ).
Altbach, P.G. & Luescher, T.M. (2020). Another Student Revolution? International Higher Education, Spring 2020 (No. 101): p. 3-4. Available here.
Bosch, T., Luescher, T.M. & Makhubu, N. (2020). Twitter and student leadership in South Africa: The Case of #FeesMustFall. In: David Taras and Richard Davis (Eds), Power Shift? Political Leadership and Social Media. London and New York: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780429466007. Available here.
Cele, M.G.B., Luescher, T.M. & Wilson Fadiji, A. (2020). Innovation Policy at the Intersection: Global Debates and Local Experiences. Cape Town: HSRC Press. Available on request.
Altbach, P.G. & Luescher, T.M. (2020). Another Student Revolution? International Higher Education, Spring 2020 (No. 101): p. 3-4. Available here.
Cele, M.G.B., Luescher, T.M. & Wilson Fadiji, A. (2020). Innovation Policy at the Intersection: Global Debates and Local Experiences. Cape Town: HSRC Press. Available on request.
Morwe, K.G., García-España, E. & Luescher, T.M. (2020). Violencia en las calles sudafricanas como única respuesta: el movimiento de protesta estudiantil sudafricano '#FeesMustFall'. Boletín Criminológico, 1/2020 (No. 189): p. 1-23. Available from www.boletincriminologico. (Article title in English: “When the streets hold the only answer: The case of the South African ‘#FeesMustFall’ student movement”.) Available here.
Schreiber, B., Moja, T. & Luescher, T.M. (2020). Student Affairs in a Traumatic Year. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 8(2), v‑vii. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v8i2.4451. Available here.
Schreiber, B., Moja, T., & Luescher, T.M. (2020). "Racism and Corona: Two Viruses affecting Higher Education and the Student Experience". Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 8(1): v-ix. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v8i1.4178. Available here.
Schreiber, B., Bardill Moscaritolo, L, Perozzi, B. & Luescher, T.M. (2020). The impossibility of separating learning and development. University World News. 5 September 2020. Available at UWN and here.
Altbach, P.G. & Luescher, T.M. (2019). Students are the vanguard in the youth revolution of 2019. University World News. 07 December 2019. (open access here and here).
Schreiber, B., Luescher, T.M. & Moja, T. (2019). Living Communities. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 7(2), v-vii. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v7i2.3820
Tumubweinee, N.P. & Luescher, T.M. (2019). Inserting Space into the Transformation of Higher Education. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 7(1): 1-13. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v7i1.3689. Available here.
Tumubweinee, N.P. & Luescher, T.M. (2019). Space, Language and Identity Politics in Higher Education. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 7(1): v-xi. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v7i1.3688. Available here.
Schreiber, B., Luescher, T.M. & Moja, T. (2019). Living Communities. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 7(2), v-vii. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v7i2.3820
Tumubweinee, N.P. & Luescher, T.M. (2019). Inserting Space into the Transformation of Higher Education. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 7(1): 1-13. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v7i1.3689. Available here.
Tumubweinee, N.P. & Luescher, T.M. (2019). Space, Language and Identity Politics in Higher Education. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 7(1): v-xi. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v7i1.3688. Available here.
Luescher, T.M.
(2018). Quality Enhancement for Social Justice in Student Affairs and Services:
A Case Study from South Africa. Journal of Student Affairs in
Africa, Vol. 6(2): 65–83. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v6i2.3310. Available here.
Luescher, T.M.
& van Schalkwyk, F. (2018). African University Presses and the
Institutional Logic of the Knowledge Commons. Learned Publishing, 31:
288–298. DOI: 10.1002/leap.1187. Download here and here.
Luescher, T.M.
(2018). Altbach’s theory of student activism in the twentieth century: Ten
propositions that matter. In: Jodi Burkett (Ed.) Students in Twentieth
Century Britain and Ireland, p. 297-318. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. Details here and available here.
Kerr, P. & Luescher, T.M. (2018).
Students' experiences of university life beyond the curriculum. In: Paul Ashwin
and Jennifer M. Case (Eds.), Higher Education Pathways:
South African Undergraduate Education and the Public Good. Cape Town:
African Minds, 216-231. Available here (full e-book) and here (chapter).
Luescher, T.M., Schreiber, B. & Moja, T. (2018). Towards Student Well-being and Quality Services in Student Affairs in Africa. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 6(2), v–viii. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v6i2.3317. Available here.
Morwe, K.G., García-España, E. & Luescher, T.M. (2018). Factors that contribute to student protests at a South African university. The Social Sciences, 13(4): 916-926.
Reddy, V., Wildschut, A., Luescher,
T., Petersen, I. & Rust, J. (2018) Skills development legislation as a lever
of change to reduce poverty, inequality and unemployment. (Commissioned by a
High Level Parliamentary Panel (HLP) of the South African Parliament, March).
Wildschutt, A., Luescher, TM,
Petersen, I. & Reddy, V. (2018) Evaluating Skills Legislation: A
lever to reduce poverty, inequality and unemployment. HSRC Review, 16(3):
32-34. Available here.
Zulu, N., Juan, A. & Luescher, T.
(2018) Mapping the landscape of STEMI olympiads and competitions in South
Africa. (Commissioned by the Department of Science and Technology, February).
Luescher, T.M. (2018).
Tweeting#FeesMustFall: The case of #UCTShutdown. HSRC Review, 16(4):
9-11. Available here and here.
Luescher, T.M., Loader, L. & Mugume,
T. (2017). #FeesMustFall: An Internet-age Student Movement in South Africa
and the Case of the University of the Free State. Politikon: South African Journal
of Political Studies, 44(2): 231-245. DOI:
10.1080/02589346.2016.1238644. Available here or ask me for it.
Luescher, T.M. (2017). From Student
Enragement to Student Engagement: What is your theory of change? HSRC
Review. 5(2): 13-15. Available here.
Luescher, T.M. (2017). Higher Education Expansion in Africa and Middle East. In: J.C. Shin and P. Teixeira (Eds) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Doordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9553-1; Print ISBN: 978-94-017-9553-1; Online ISBN: 978-94-017-9553-1. See Springer website or email me.
Luescher, T.M. (2017). Higher Education Expansion in Africa and Middle East. In: J.C. Shin and P. Teixeira (Eds) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Doordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9553-1; Print ISBN: 978-94-017-9553-1; Online ISBN: 978-94-017-9553-1. See Springer website or email me.
Luescher, T.M. & Klemenčič, M. (2017).
Student power in 21st century Africa: The character and role of student
organising. In Rachel Brooks (Ed.), Student Politics and Protest:
International Perspectives. London: Routledge. For access email
me here or get it here.
Mugume, T. & Luescher, T.M. (2017). Student Politics at Makerere University in the Lens of Schmitter and Streeck Framework: Student Leaders and Political Parties. Makerere Journal of Higher Education, 9(1): 133-160. DOI:10.4314/majohe.v9i1.1. Available at: http://ajol.info/majohe or download here.
Mugume, T. & Luescher, T.M.
(2017). Student Representation and the Relationship between Student Leaders and
Political Parties: A Case Study of Makerere University. South African
Journal of Higher Education, 31(3): 154-171. DOI:10.208535/31-3-639. Available here.
Schreiber, B., Luescher, T.M. & Moja, T. (2017). Voices from Around the Globe. Journal of Student
Affairs in Africa. 5(1): v–vi. DOI: 10.24085/jsaa.v5i1.2476 Available here.
van Schalkwyk, F. & T.M.
Luescher (2017). The African University Press. Cape Town:
African Minds. Available here.
Luescher, T.M.
(2016). Book review: J.C. van der Merwe and D. van Reenen (2016).
Transformation and Legitimation in Post-apartheid Universities: Reading
Discourses from ‘Reitz’. Bloemfontein: Sun Press. Journal of Student
Affairs in Africa, 4(2), 75-80. DOI: 10.14426/jsaa.v4i2.1536. Access here.
Schreiber, B.,
Moja, T. & Luescher, T.M. (2016). Student affairs in complex contexts. Journal
of Student Affairs in Africa, 4(2), v-viii. DOI: 10.14426/jsaa.v4i2.1526. Access here.
Thierry (2016). Towards an intellectual engagement with the #studentmovements
in South Africa. Politikon: South African Journal of Political
Studies, 43(1): 145-148. DOI:10.1080/02589346.2016.1155138
Get it here or ask
me for it.
Thierry M. (2016). Frantz Fanon and the #MustFall movements in South
Africa. International Higher Education, 85: 122-124.
Available here. (Also
available in Russian, Portuguese and Thai).
T.M., Klemenčič, M. & Jowi, O.J. (Eds.) (2016). Student Politics
in Africa: Representation and Activism. Cape Town and Maputo: African
Minds. Complete e-book available here. Print
copies can be ordered here.
Lange, M.L. & Luescher, T.M. (2016). Governance. In Council on Higher Education (Ed.) South
African Higher Education Reviewed: Two Decades of Democracy. Pretoria:
Council on Higher Education. E-book open access available here.
Luescher, T.M. (2016). Student Representation in
a Context of Democratisation and Massification in Africa: Analytical
Approaches, Theoretical Perspectives, and #Rhodes Must Fall. In Luescher,
T.M., Klemenčič, M, and Jowi, O.J. (Eds.), Student Politics in Africa:
Representation and Activism. Cape Town and Maputo: African Minds. Complete
e-book available here
Cele, M.B.G., Luescher, T.M. & Barnes, T. (2016). Student Actions against
Paradoxical Post-Apartheid Higher Education Policy in South Africa: The Case of
the University of the Western Cape. In Luescher, T.M., Klemenčič, M, and
Jowi, O.J. (Eds.), Student Politics in Africa: Representation and
Activism. Cape Town and Maputo: African Minds. Complete e-book
available here
Klemenčič, M., Luescher, T.M. & Mugume, T. (2016). Student Organising in African Higher Education: Polity, Politics and Policies. In Luescher, T.M., Klemenčič, M, and Jowi, O.J. (Eds.), Student Politics in Africa: Representation and Activism. Cape Town and Maputo: African Minds. Complete e-book available here.
Klemenčič, M., Luescher, T.M. & Mugume, T. (2016). Student Organising in African Higher Education: Polity, Politics and Policies. In Luescher, T.M., Klemenčič, M, and Jowi, O.J. (Eds.), Student Politics in Africa: Representation and Activism. Cape Town and Maputo: African Minds. Complete e-book available here.
Luescher, T.M. (2016). Academic rigour as praxis: What place for reflexive journaling? Revised and updated version of a
paper presented at the Education Faculty Research Seminar, University of the
Western Cape, Bellville, 22 March 2010. Available here.
Schreiber, B.,
Luescher, T.M. & Moja, T. (2016). The first-year experience, student
transitions and institutional transformation. Journal of Student
Affairs in Africa. 4(1): vii-x. DOI: 10.14426/jsaa.v4i1.140 Available
open access at: www.jsaa.ac.za
Luescher, T.M., Klemenčič, M. & Jowi, O.J.
(Eds.) (2015) Special Issue: Student Power in African higher
education. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 3(1). Available at: www.jsaa.ac.za and from African Minds.
Luescher-Mamashela, T.M., Favish,
J., and Ngcelwane, S. (2015). One bangle cannot jingle: community-university
research partnerships in South Africa. In: Hall, B., Tandon, R., and Tremblay,
C. (Eds), Strengthening
Community University Research Partnerships: Global Perspectives. Victoria
(Canada): University of Victoria, UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and
Social Responsibility in Higher Education. Access here.
Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. (2015). The Impact of Student Engagement on Citizenship Competences (Research Report). Cape Town: CHET. Access here.
Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. (2015). Theorising Student Activism in and beyond the 20th century: The Contribution of Philip G Altbach. Chapter in: Klemenčič, M., Bergan, S., and Primožič, R. (Eds.), Student engagement in Europe: Society, Higher Education and Student Governance. Council of Europe Higher Education Series No. 20. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. Access chapter here.
Luescher-Mamashela, T.M.,
Ssembatya, V., Brooks, E., Lange, R.S., Mugume, T., & Richmond, S. (2015).
Chapter 11: Student Engagement and Citizenship Competences in African
Universities. In: Cloete N, Maassen P and Bailey T (2015). Knowledge
Production and Contradictory Functions in African Higher Education (AHED Series
Vol. 1). Cape Town and Maputo: African Minds. (open access: chapter 11
here; fulle-book here)
Kgosithebe, L. & Luescher, T.M.
(2015). Are African flagship universities preparing students for
citizenship? Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 3(1),
49-64. DOI: 10.14426/jsaa.v3i1.92. Access here.
Mugume, T. & Luescher, T.M.
(2015). The politics of student housing: Student activism and representation in
the determination of the user-price of a public-private partnership residence
on a public university campus in South Africa. Journal of Student
Affairs in Africa, 3(1), 1–17. DOI: 10.14426/jsaa.v3i1.89. Access here.
Luescher, T.M., Klemenčič, M, & Jowi, O.J. (Eds.) (2015) Special Issue: Student Power in African higher
education. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 3(1). Access here.
Klemenčič, M., Luescher, T.M. & Jowi, O.J. (2015). Student Power in Africa. Journal of Student Affairs
in Africa, 3(1), vii-xiv. DOI: 10.14426/jsaa.v3i1.99. Access here.
Moja, T., Luescher, T.M. & Schreiber, B. (2015). Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education. Journal
of Student Affairs in Africa. 3(2): v-xii. Access here.
T.M. & Mugume, T. (2014). Student Representation and Multi-Party Politics in
African Higher Education. Studies in Higher Education. 39(3):
access, download here).
Moja, T.,
Schreiber, B. & Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. (2014). Contextualising Student
Affairs in Africa: The Past, Present and Future. Journal of Student
Affairs in Africa. 2(1): 1–8. Available open access at: www.jsaa.ac.za
Schreiber, B., Luescher-Mamashela,
T.M. & Moja, T. (2014). Tinto in South Africa: Student integration,
persistence and success, and the role of Student Affairs. Journal of
Student Affairs in Africa. 2(2): 1–7. Available open access
at: www.jsaa.ac.za
T.M. (2013). Higher Education Governance in South Africa. Chapter
in: S. Bergan, E. Egron-Polak, J. Kohler, L. Purser and A. Spyropoulou
(Eds) Leadership and Governance in Higher Education: Handbook for
Decision-makers and Administrators. Berlin: Raabe Academic. (closed access, see handbook).
T.M. (2013). Hardship and Hope: The Attitudes of South African
Youth to Democracy. New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and
Economic Policy. 50 (Second Quarter): 45-47. (access here).
T.M. (2013). Student Representation in University
Decision-Making: Good Reasons, a New Lens? Studies in Higher Education. 38(10):
1442-1456. (closed
access, download here).
T.M., Moja, T. & Schreiber, B. (2013). Towards the
Professionalization of Student Affairs in Africa? (Editorial
Introduction.) Journal of Student Affairs in Africa. 1(1and2):
vii-xiii. Available open access at: www.jsaa.ac.za
Turok, B.,
Chitiyo, F. & Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. (Eds) (2013). New Agenda:
South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy. “Special Issue:
What’s the New Youth Agenda?” No. 50 (Second Quarter). (print only).
Cloete, N.,
Wangenge-Ouma, G., Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. & Muller, J. (eds.)
(2013). Historical Development of Higher Education in Africa. Higher
Education Masters in Africa Course Reader Vol. 1. Wynberg: CHET. (print
Cloete, N.,
Wangenge-Ouma, G., Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. & Muller, J. (eds.)
(2013). Approaches to Higher Education and Development. Higher
Education Masters in Africa Course Reader Vol. 2. Wynberg: CHET. (print
Cloete, N.,
Wangenge-Ouma, G., Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. & Muller, J. (eds.)
(2013). Higher Education, Regional Development and the Knowledge
Economy. Higher Education Masters in Africa Course Reader Vol. 3.
Wynberg: CHET. (print only).
Mattes, R. & Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. (2012). The Roles of Higher Education in the
Democratisation of Politics in Africa: Reports of HERANA Studies. Journal
of Higher Education in Africa. 10(1): 139-170. (open
access here and here).
T.M. (2012). Ex Africa Semper Aliquid Novi: A Sermon. We Are Not Rats:
Scotland's Students' Left Review. Launch issue 1. (open
access here and here).
T.M. & Kgosithebe, L. (2012 n.d.). Are African flagship universities
preparing students for citizenship? Political attitudes of students’ and
student leaders’ at four East and Southern African universities in comparative
perspective. [online]. (open
access here).
T.M. (with S. Kiiru, R. Mattes, A. Mwollo-ntallima, N. Ng’ethe & M. Romo)
(2011). The University in Africa and Democratic Citizenship: Hothouse or
Training Ground? Cape Town: African Minds. (open
access here)
T.M. 2011. Student Involvement in University Decision-Making: Good Reasons, New
Lenses. Finalist, Emerging Scholar Manuscript Competition, International
Journal of Leadership in Education (2011). (published in 2013 in Studies
in Higher Education)
T.M. (2010). From University Democratisation to Managerialism: The Changing
Legitimation of University Governance and the Place of Students. Tertiary
Education and Management. 16(4): 259 — 283. (closed access, download here).
T.M. (2010). Academic Rigour as Praxis and the Question of
Reflexivity: Towards an Empirical Study of Reflexive Academic Journaling. (Published
online). (open
access here.)
Luescher, T.M.
(2009). Racial Desegregation and the Institutionalisation of ‘Race’ in
University Governance: The Case of UCT. Perspectives in Education. 27(4):
415-425. (open
access here (UWC) or at Academia.edu).
Luescher, T.M.
(2008). Student Governance in Transition: University Democratisation and
Managerialism. A Governance Approach to the Study of Student Politics and the
Case of the University of Cape Town. Doctoral Dissertation. Department of
Political Studies, University of Cape Town. (openaccess here and here).
Luescher, T.M.
2007. Higher Education and the Substantiation of Democracy in South
Africa. Report on the Research Seminar of the CHE HEIAAF (Higher
Education, Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom) Task Team. 16-17 April
2007, Kopanong, Johannesburg. (open access here).
Luescher, T.M.
(2005). Student Governance in Africa: A Thematic Review of Literature
on African Student Politics. Full research report for the Centre for
Higher Education Transformation Improving Governance and Student Leadership
Project. Cape Town: CHET. Available at http://ahero.uwc.ac.za and open
access here. Shortened web version available for download here.
Luescher, T.M.
(in collaboration with the Student Climate Survey Advisory Group) (2005). Transformation
and Student Life at UCT: Overview of Surveys of Student Climate. Policy
report prepared for the University of Cape Town, Directorate: Institutional
Planning. (open
access here).
Hall, M., Symes,
A. & Luescher, T.M. (2004). The Culture of Governance in South African Public
Higher Education. Journal of Higher Education Policy and
Management. 26(1): 92-107. (download
Council on
Higher Education (Lange, L., Menon, K., Luescher, T.M., Dwyer, C. & Hoorn,
N.) (2004_. The State of the Provision of the MBA in South Africa. CHE
Higher Education Monitor. No. 2 (October). Pretoria: Council on Higher
Education. (open
access here).
Hall, M., Symes,
A. & Luescher, T.M. (2004). The Governance of Merger in South African
Higher Education. Research report for the Council on Higher Education.
Pretoria: Council on Higher Education. (open
access here).
Council on
Higher Education (Lange, L. & Luescher, T.M. et al) (2004). Towards a
Framework for the Monitoring and Evaluation of South African Higher Education:
Discussion Document. Pretoria: Council on Higher Education. (open
access here).
Lange, L. & Luescher, T.M. (2003). A
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for South African Higher Education:
Conceptual, Methodological and Practical Concerns. South African
Journal of Higher Education. 17(3): 82-89. (open
access here).
Luescher, T.M.
& Symes, A. (2003). The transformation of South African higher
education: how much have we achieved? Pretoria: CHE. (open
access here).
Luescher, T.M.
(2003). Student governance and the challenge of merger. Paper presented at the
Regional SASCO Conference, Medical University of South Africa, Ga-Rankuwa,
11–13 April 2003.
Luescher, T.M.
(2003). Reflections on reconstructing and democratising the curriculum for
student power. Paper presented at the Workshop of the University of Cape Town
SRC and Faculty Councils, UCT Breakwater Campus, Cape Town, 24 May 2003.
Hall, M., Symes,
A. & Luescher, T.M. (2002). Governance in South African Higher
Education. Research report for the Council on Higher Education.
Pretoria: Council on Higher Education. (download here)
[Pseud.]. (1999) (Reprints: 2000, 2002); (2nd edition: 2004)
(Reprints: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009). Melikhaya’s Dictionary. Dictionary
and related teaching material for first year non-mother tongue students of
isiXhosa at the University of Cape Town and Rhodes University.
Opinions / Popular Media Articles / Book Reviews
Luescher, T.M.
& van Schalkwyk, F. (2017). Universities need imaginative ICT-enhanced
presses. University World News: Africa Edition. Issue 475, 22
September 2017. (open access here and here).
Luescher, T.M.
(2017). From student enragement to student engagement: What is your theory of
change? HSRC Review, April - June 2017, 15(2): 13-15.
(download here or here).
T.M. (2013). Initiative to improve student experience goes global. University
World News: Global Edition. 25 October 2012. [Online.] Available at: www.universityworldnews.com
T.M. (2013). The Contribution of Student Affairs: A Student Leader Perspective.
Interview with Thamsanqha Ledwaba. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa. 1(1and2):
77-80. Available open access at: www.jsaa.ac.za
Chitiyo, F. & Luescher-Mamashela, T.M. (2013). Access, Success and Redress in Higher
Education: An Interview with Thabo Molotja and Tebogo Thothela. New Agenda:
South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy. 50 (Second
Quarter): 33-35. (print only).
T.M. (2012). AFRICA: Universities in Africa strengthen democracy. University
World News: Special Africa Edition. 25 November 2011. [Online.]
Available at: www.universityworldnews.com
Luescher, T.M.
(2007). Academic Freedom and Students in the South African Context: Some
Discussion Points. Expert paper submitted to the Council on Higher Education
HEIAAF Task Team.
Luescher, T.M.
(2007). African Politics in Comparative Perspective. (Book Review). New
Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy. 26
(Second Quarter). (print only).
Council on
Higher Education (Luescher, T.M.) (2006). External Regulation of Higher
Education in South Africa: Discussion Points for the Presidential Working Group
on Higher Education. Policy report prepared for the Council on Higher Education.
Luescher, T.M.
(2001). Who is the Future Citizen? Mail and Guardian. 3 May
Luescher, T.M.
(1999). Post-Cold War Democratisation in Africa: A Literature
Review. Final Bachelor Degree Paper (Pre-final Draft). University of
Cape Town, Department of Political Studies. (open
access here).
Luescher, T.M.
(1999). The Assassination of Ashley Kriel: An Investigation into the
Workings and Findings of the TRC. Final Bachelor Degree Paper.
University of Cape Town, Department of Historical Studies. Available from the
UCT Library (print only).
Some Articles
about my Work/Featuring my Work/Interviews
University World News
editor (2017). AFRICA: Research offers ways forward for university presses. University
World News, Africa Edition. Issue 475 (24 September 2017).
Collison, C.
2016. #FeesMustFall ‘burns’ queer students. Mail and Guardian. 13
October 2016.
Kigotho, W.
(2013). University of Nairobi ahead of peers in push for Democracy. Standard
Digital News. 4 September 2013. [Online.] Available at: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/
University: democratic hothouse or training ground? University World
News (Issue: 0168). 24 April 2011. [Online.] Available at: www.universityworldnews.com
Universities are training active citizens. University World News (Issue:
0169). 1 May 2011. [Online.] Available at: www.universityworldnews.com
students as democratic citizens. University World News (Africa
Edition) (Issue: 077). 8 May 2011. [Online.] Available at: www.universityworldnews.com
MacGregor, K.
(2005). Left and right anger at
politics clampdown. Times Higher Education. 12 August 2005.
[Online.] Available at: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.u