Monday 16 January 2023

International Award for "Best Practices in International Research and Scholarship" from NASPA

NASPA, the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Association (originating in the USA) has just announced that our four-powered research consortium is winning the NASPA international research award 2023 for our work on SAS and SDGs. Here is the email: 

"It is with great pleasure, I'd like to inform you that you and your colleagues have been selected as the recipient of the following award: Best Practices in International Research and Scholarship: The Global Role of Student Affairs and Services and the UN Sustainable Development Goals by Brett Perozzi, Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo, Birgit Schreiber, and Thierry Luescher. 

We'd like to honor your dedication and contribution to the fields of international education and student affairs during the International Symposium, 2023. More details to follow regarding attending the award ceremony. Congratulations again! Looking forward to seeing you soon. 

With gratitude and appreciation, Ken Guan and Tadd Kruse, NASPA IEKC Co-Chairs. 

What an amazing honour to start 2023 with!