Doing research in a public university and with philanthropic money, is like mining with public money. Publishing that knowledge in closed access journals is privatizing knowledge that was produced for the public good. Open Access is fundamentally about social justice and the democratisation of knowledge. This is an advert for the University of the Western Cape (UWC) Open Access Research Repository.
Personal Blog and Website with Links to Open Access Publications on Higher Education in Africa - Student Experience - Student Politics - Student Affairs - Institutional Research - Higher Education Policy and Politics Research
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Research is like Mining: Open Access
Doing research in a public university and with philanthropic money, is like mining with public money. Publishing that knowledge in closed access journals is privatizing knowledge that was produced for the public good. Open Access is fundamentally about social justice and the democratisation of knowledge. This is an advert for the University of the Western Cape (UWC) Open Access Research Repository.